It’s usually a highly palatable and tasty recipe containing high-quality turkey, and the best light cat food is a perennial favorite of many a cat.
It moreover, has a protein digestibility in excess of 85%; omega D3 and D6 fatty acids, vitamin E, copper and zinc to ensure that your cat has a shiny and glossy coat. What more could you ask for? On the flip side of the coin, however, the best light cat food also has its drawbacks.
Cats may fear the new: Neophobia or fear of the new is common among cats, which might simply refuse to eat the best light cat food if it’s suddenly introduced to the stuff. This is because cats tend to develop strict preferences for the texture, smell and shape of certain foods from the kitten stage.
Unless they have been exposed to healthy foods from early on in their lives, they have a hard time switching over suddenly.
Best light cat food may lack necessary nutrients: It is often seen that new cat owners lack the necessary knowledge to prepare a balanced best light cat food that is rich in Taurine amino acids, necessary vitamins, and minerals.
They may just put the cat on a high protein diet comprising chicken, fish and/or turkey along with some vegetables, thinking that it’s a perfectly nutritious diet. This, however, may not be so. A cat that is regularly fed on a nutrient-deficient diet is bound to develop cardiovascular, orthopedic and ocular problems later in life.
In addition, a light cat food is to be advised only when the cat is suffering from problems of the digestive tract, is recovering from surgery or a major illness or is allergic to certain food items. There seems to be no plausible reason to give a normal and healthy cat a light diet.
Preparing light cat food could be risky and time-consuming: As said earlier, the best light cat food is to be given to a sick pet, but it takes time to prepare it from lamb, rabbit, or beef.
Moreover, some commercially available canned light foods have been reported to contain deadly contaminants like Listeria and Salmonella, which could lead to a disaster, if consumed.
This is more so with cats being treated with steroids and other assorted drugs that make them more susceptible to micro-organisms that are found in meat as also pathogenic bacteria.